(732) 741-0500 ~ Fax: (732) 741-1489

94 Broad Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701



First Reconciliation & First Eucharist

In accordance with diocesan directives, the reception of First Penance precedes the celebration of First Eucharist. The reception of these two sacraments occurs in the second grade. Furthermore, it is the policy of the Diocese of Trenton that, in order for a child to receive these sacraments, the child be enrolled in a religious education program for one year prior to entering the sacramental preparation class. All students must have successfully completed the first-grade level in an approved religious education program in order to be admitted to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist. The celebration of the Sacrament of First Reconciliation takes place in the Fall and First Eucharist takes place in the Spring.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) and catechists will take care that the students are properly instructed in the celebration of these sacraments.

It is expected that children attend all classes and activities in this sacramental year. It is important that requests for additional forms, the fee and materials be returned by the requested date. Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in the preparation of these sacraments.

Forms and Information
Registration Form for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist
Celebrating the Sacraments for Parents

Reconciliation-First Communion Timeline
Reconciliation Glossary of Terms
The Day of Your Sacrament

For Parents
Prayers and Projects
Examining My conscience and the Act of Contrition
Acts of Random Kindness Form

St. James R.C. Church


Parish Office
94 Broad Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701

Directions to our Parish